猜你喜欢: 小貘双色太阳花折纸实拍图解教程 皱纹纸手工制作素雅仿真花DIY教程 一张纸折出的仙人球盘栽手工折纸教程 礼品包装的装饰纸花制作方法 多色花球茉莉花折纸图解教程 漂亮的带花蕊多层立体花朵折纸教程 组合折纸带花盘的三色堇折纸图文教程 樱花折纸图解教程-儿童折纸系列 精致12瓣纸花朵手工折纸DIY教程 纸艺花制作大全 川崎敏和樱花折纸教程图解 |
1.Fold (mountain fold) the paper in half.
2.Unfold the paper so that you can see the crease that you have just made.*we have used a black pen to distinctively show the "crease"
3.Rotate the paper by 90 degrees and fold the paper in half.
4.Unfold the paper and draw a line on the crease.
5.Rotate the paper by 45 degrees and then fold the paper in half.