猜你喜欢: 漂亮的8裂枫叶手工折纸实拍教程 逼真的叶子折纸教程 蛋糕或蛋挞纸托变废为宝制作逼真的纸艺牡丹花的方法教程 皱纹纸手工制作漂亮家居装饰纸艺花 精美折纸作品欣赏莲花与青蛙 简单几步DIY简约马蹄莲纸艺花手工制作教程 冬青树叶折纸教程图解-简单儿童折纸教程 PDAuria的组合折纸非洲菊的折法图谱教程 郁金香折纸祥细教程 皱皱纸制作优雅纸花的方法 |
1.Fold (mountain fold) the paper in half.
2.Unfold the paper so that you can see the crease that you have just made.
3.Rotate the paper by 90 degrees and fold the paper in half.
4.Unfold the paper and there are two creases (horizontal and vertical lines).
5.Rotate the paper by 45 degrees and then fold the paper in half.
6.Unfold the paper and see the diagonal crease.
7.Rotate the paper by 90 degrees and fold the paper in half.
8.Unfold the paper.Now, we have four creases.
9.Rotate the paper by 45 degrees and fold the paper in half. Prepare for a valley-fold.
10.Valley fold according to the step #9.
11.Turn the paper over and prepare for a valley-fold on an exisiting crease.
12.Valley fold according to the step #11.